About Us
Residential and Commercial Cleaning

Residential Cleaning
A-1 Quality Cleaning Service has been cleaning hundreds of homes each month since 2007. We provide high quality, award-winning, professional cleaning services to the following areas; Fishers, Noblesville, Carmel, Geist, Westfield and other Hamilton County cities. In addition, we serve much of the northern Indianapolis area. We understand your needs and will do whatever it takes to make you happy. We are competitively priced and employ the hardest working, most trustworthy cleaning professionals in the house cleaning industry.
We have an excellent reputation and our model is to provide solo Cleaning Techs to each recurring client (weekly, bi-weekly or monthly services). Assigning the same person ensures consistency in the quality of service. We also believe it adds much value to the relationship.
We specialize in recurring services as well as move-in, and move-out cleanings, Spring cleanings, Deep cleans as well as other one-time cleanings.
So, call us today to make an appointment for a free quote. You'll be glad you did! +1 (317) 536-8784
Or feel free to use our short and simple form and we will email you the quote. CLICK TO GET A QUICK QUOTE
Based in Fishers, A-1 Quality Cleaning Service provides the highest level of house cleaning, maid service, office cleaning, and commercial cleaning services to much of the greater Indianapolis area with a focus on the Northeast suburbs including;
To demonstrate our appreciation, we offer a 10% discount for recurring house cleanings services to:
We also offer a generous referral program. Current recurring customers receive a 50% off cleaning for every referral they make (that becomes a recurring customer).
We are proud to be part of an organization called Cleaning for a Reason. Through them, we offer free house cleanings to women undergoing cancer treatment. You may contact them with any questions, and they will forward your information to us to receive up to 4 house cleanings free of charge.